Sunrise Champs is Govt approved, ISO 9001:2015 certified school located at Mashal Chowk & at Dalwada. Established in 2007, it is one of the most reputed school in Daman known for its quality education.
We have 2 pre-schools and 1 high school ( Std. 1 to 10 ) in Daman. We are affiliated to GSHSEB (Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board).
Sunrise Champs School in numbers :
No. of students in Pre-Schools (2023-24) : 331
No. of students in Std. 1 to 10 (2023-24) : 660
Total No. of Students (2023-24) : 991
No. of Teachers (2023-24) : Pre-School : 17 + High-School : 35 = 52
No. of Admin and non-teaching staff (2023-24) : 14
Student to Teacher Ratio : 09.05 / 1 (1 Teacher for every 19 students)
Student to Staff Ratio : 15 / 1 (1 Staff for every 15 students)
We have more students in our pre-school than any of the branded chain of pre schools In Daman, which are all located in less than 1 km distance from our pre-school. This is primarily due to the efforts of our teachers and principals and the systems and processes that we follow in Sunrise Champs Schools.